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Virtualized Platforms

Installation of Talos Linux for virtualization platforms.

1 - Hyper-V

Creating a Talos Kubernetes cluster using Hyper-V.


  1. Download the latest metal-amd64.iso from the GitHub releases page.
  2. Create a New-TalosVM folder in one of your PS Module Path folders ($env:PSModulePath -split ';') and save the New-TalosVM.psm1 there.

Plan Overview

We will create a basic 3-node cluster with one control-plane node and two worker nodes. The main difference between the control plane and worker nodes is the amount of RAM and an additional storage VHD for the worker nodes. This can be customized to your preference.

We use a VMNamePrefix argument for the VM name prefix, not the full hostname. This command will find any existing VM with that prefix and increment the highest suffix found. For example, if talos-cp01 and talos-cp02 exist, it will create VMs starting from talos-cp03, depending on the NumberOfVMs argument.

Setup a Control Plane Node

Note: Ensure the LAB adapter exists in Hyper-V and is set to external.

Create a single control plane node with the following command:

New-TalosVM -VMNamePrefix talos-cp -CPUCount 2 -StartupMemory 4GB -SwitchName LAB -TalosISOPath C:\ISO\metal-amd64.iso -NumberOfVMs 1 -VMDestinationBasePath 'D:\Virtual Machines\Test VMs\Talos'

This will create the talos-cp01 VM and power it on.

Setup Worker Nodes

Create two worker nodes with the following command:

New-TalosVM -VMNamePrefix talos-worker -CPUCount 4 -StartupMemory 8GB -SwitchName LAB -TalosISOPath C:\ISO\metal-amd64.iso -NumberOfVMs 2 -VMDestinationBasePath 'D:\Virtual Machines\Test VMs\Talos' -StorageVHDSize 50GB

This will create talos-worker01 and talos-worker02 VMs, each with an additional 50GB VHD for storage (which can be used for Mayastor).

Push Config to the Nodes

Once the VMs are ready, find their IP addresses from the VM console. Push the config to the control plane node with:

# Set control plane IP variable

# Generate Talos config
talosctl gen config talos-cluster https://$($CONTROL_PLANE_IP):6443 --output-dir .

# Apply config to control plane node
talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes $CONTROL_PLANE_IP --file .\controlplane.yaml

Push Config to Worker Nodes

Similarly, for the worker nodes:

talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes 10.10.10.x --file .\worker.yaml

Apply the config to both worker nodes.

Bootstrap Cluster

With the nodes ready, bootstrap the Kubernetes cluster:

# Set node and endpoint permanently in config
talosctl config endpoint $CONTROL_PLANE_IP
talosctl config node $CONTROL_PLANE_IP

# Bootstrap cluster
talosctl bootstrap

# Generate kubeconfig
talosctl kubeconfig .

Remove ISO

After a successful bootstrap, remove the ISO from the Hyper-V instances (both worker and control plane). Otherwise, Talos might fail to boot.

This will generate the kubeconfig file, which you can use to connect to the cluster.

2 - KVM

Talos is known to work on KVM.

We don’t yet have a documented guide specific to KVM; however, you can have a look at our Vagrant & Libvirt guide which uses KVM for virtualization.

If you run into any issues, our community can probably help!

3 - OpenNebula

Talos is known to work on OpenNebula.

4 - Proxmox

Creating Talos Kubernetes cluster using Proxmox.

In this guide we will create a Kubernetes cluster using Proxmox.

Video Walkthrough

To see a live demo of this writeup, visit Youtube here:


How to Get Proxmox

It is assumed that you have already installed Proxmox onto the server you wish to create Talos VMs on. Visit the Proxmox downloads page if necessary.

Install talosctl

You can download talosctl on MacOS and Linux via:

brew install siderolabs/tap/talosctl

For manual installation and other platforms please see the talosctl installation guide.

Download ISO Image

In order to install Talos in Proxmox, you will need the ISO image from Image Factory..

mkdir -p _out/
curl<version>/metal-<arch>.iso -L -o _out/metal-<arch>.iso

For example version v1.9.2 for linux platform:

mkdir -p _out/
curl -L -o _out/metal-amd64.iso

QEMU guest agent support (iso)

  • If you need the QEMU guest agent so you can do guest VM shutdowns of your Talos VMs, then you will need a custom ISO
  • To get this, navigate to
  • Scroll down and select your Talos version (v1.9.2 for example)
  • Then tick the box for siderolabs/qemu-guest-agent and submit
  • This will provide you with a link to the bare metal ISO
  • The lines we’re interested in are as follows
Metal ISO

amd64 ISO
arm64 ISO

Installer Image

For the initial Talos install or upgrade use the following installer image:
  • Download the above ISO (this will most likely be amd64 for you)
  • Take note of the URL as you’ll need it later

Upload ISO

From the Proxmox UI, select the “local” storage and enter the “Content” section. Click the “Upload” button:

Select the ISO you downloaded previously, then hit “Upload”

Create VMs

Before starting, familiarise yourself with the system requirements for Talos and assign VM resources accordingly.

Create a new VM by clicking the “Create VM” button in the Proxmox UI:

Fill out a name for the new VM:

In the OS tab, select the ISO we uploaded earlier:

Keep the defaults set in the “System” tab.

Keep the defaults in the “Hard Disk” tab as well, only changing the size if desired.

In the “CPU” section, give at least 2 cores to the VM:

Note: As of Talos v1.0 (which requires the x86-64-v2 microarchitecture), prior to Proxmox V8.0, booting with the default Processor Type kvm64 will not work. You can enable the required CPU features after creating the VM by adding the following line in the corresponding /etc/pve/qemu-server/<vmid>.conf file:

args: -cpu kvm64,+cx16,+lahf_lm,+popcnt,+sse3,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2

Alternatively, you can set the Processor Type to host if your Proxmox host supports these CPU features, this however prevents using live VM migration.

Verify that the RAM is set to at least 2GB:

Keep the default values for networking, verifying that the VM is set to come up on the bridge interface:

Finish creating the VM by clicking through the “Confirm” tab and then “Finish”.

Repeat this process for a second VM to use as a worker node. You can also repeat this for additional nodes desired.

Note: Talos doesn’t support memory hot plugging, if creating the VM programmatically don’t enable memory hotplug on your Talos VM’s. Doing so will cause Talos to be unable to see all available memory and have insufficient memory to complete installation of the cluster.

Start Control Plane Node

Once the VMs have been created and updated, start the VM that will be the first control plane node. This VM will boot the ISO image specified earlier and enter “maintenance mode”.

With DHCP server

Once the machine has entered maintenance mode, there will be a console log that details the IP address that the node received. Take note of this IP address, which will be referred to as $CONTROL_PLANE_IP for the rest of this guide. If you wish to export this IP as a bash variable, simply issue a command like export CONTROL_PLANE_IP=

Without DHCP server

To apply the machine configurations in maintenance mode, VM has to have IP on the network. So you can set it on boot time manually.

Press e on the boot time. And set the IP parameters for the VM. Format is:


For example $CONTROL_PLANE_IP will be and gateway

linux /boot/vmlinuz init_on_alloc=1 slab_nomerge pti=on panic=0 consoleblank=0 printk.devkmsg=on earlyprintk=ttyS0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0 talos.platform=metal ip=

Then press Ctrl-x or F10

Generate Machine Configurations

With the IP address above, you can now generate the machine configurations to use for installing Talos and Kubernetes. Issue the following command, updating the output directory, cluster name, and control plane IP as you see fit:

talosctl gen config talos-proxmox-cluster https://$CONTROL_PLANE_IP:6443 --output-dir _out

This will create several files in the _out directory: controlplane.yaml, worker.yaml, and talosconfig.

Note: The Talos config by default will install to /dev/sda. Depending on your setup the virtual disk may be mounted differently Eg: /dev/vda. You can check for disks running the following command:

talosctl get disks --insecure --nodes $CONTROL_PLANE_IP

Update controlplane.yaml and worker.yaml config files to point to the correct disk location.

QEMU guest agent support

For QEMU guest agent support, you can generate the config with the custom install image:

talosctl gen config talos-proxmox-cluster https://$CONTROL_PLANE_IP:6443 --output-dir _out --install-image
  • In Proxmox, go to your VM –> Options and ensure that QEMU Guest Agent is Enabled
  • The QEMU agent is now configured

Create Control Plane Node

Using the controlplane.yaml generated above, you can now apply this config using talosctl. Issue:

talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes $CONTROL_PLANE_IP --file _out/controlplane.yaml

You should now see some action in the Proxmox console for this VM. Talos will be installed to disk, the VM will reboot, and then Talos will configure the Kubernetes control plane on this VM. The VM will remain in stage Booting until the bootstrap is completed in a later step.

Note: This process can be repeated multiple times to create an HA control plane.

Create Worker Node

Create at least a single worker node using a process similar to the control plane creation above. Start the worker node VM and wait for it to enter “maintenance mode”. Take note of the worker node’s IP address, which will be referred to as $WORKER_IP


talosctl apply-config --insecure --nodes $WORKER_IP --file _out/worker.yaml

Note: This process can be repeated multiple times to add additional workers.

Using the Cluster

Once the cluster is available, you can make use of talosctl and kubectl to interact with the cluster. For example, to view current running containers, run talosctl containers for a list of containers in the system namespace, or talosctl containers -k for the namespace. To view the logs of a container, use talosctl logs <container> or talosctl logs -k <container>.

First, configure talosctl to talk to your control plane node by issuing the following, updating paths and IPs as necessary:

export TALOSCONFIG="_out/talosconfig"
talosctl config endpoint $CONTROL_PLANE_IP
talosctl config node $CONTROL_PLANE_IP

Bootstrap Etcd

talosctl bootstrap

Retrieve the kubeconfig

At this point we can retrieve the admin kubeconfig by running:

talosctl kubeconfig .

Cleaning Up

To cleanup, simply stop and delete the virtual machines from the Proxmox UI.

5 - Vagrant & Libvirt


  1. Linux OS
  2. Vagrant installed
  3. vagrant-libvirt plugin installed
  4. talosctl installed
  5. kubectl installed


We will use Vagrant and its libvirt plugin to create a KVM-based cluster with 3 control plane nodes and 1 worker node.

For this, we will mount Talos ISO into the VMs using a virtual CD-ROM, and configure the VMs to attempt to boot from the disk first with the fallback to the CD-ROM.

We will also configure a virtual IP address on Talos to achieve high-availability on kube-apiserver.

Preparing the environment

First, we download the latest metal-amd64.iso ISO from GitHub releases into the /tmp directory.

wget --timestamping curl -O /tmp/metal-amd64.iso

Create a Vagrantfile with the following contents:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.define "control-plane-node-1" do |vm|
    vm.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
      domain.cpus = 2
      domain.memory = 2048
      domain.serial :type => "file", :source => {:path => "/tmp/control-plane-node-1.log"} :file, :device => :cdrom, :path => "/tmp/metal-amd64.iso" :file, :size => '4G', :type => 'raw'
      domain.boot 'hd'
      domain.boot 'cdrom'

  config.vm.define "control-plane-node-2" do |vm|
    vm.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
      domain.cpus = 2
      domain.memory = 2048
      domain.serial :type => "file", :source => {:path => "/tmp/control-plane-node-2.log"} :file, :device => :cdrom, :path => "/tmp/metal-amd64.iso" :file, :size => '4G', :type => 'raw'
      domain.boot 'hd'
      domain.boot 'cdrom'

  config.vm.define "control-plane-node-3" do |vm|
    vm.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
      domain.cpus = 2
      domain.memory = 2048
      domain.serial :type => "file", :source => {:path => "/tmp/control-plane-node-3.log"} :file, :device => :cdrom, :path => "/tmp/metal-amd64.iso" :file, :size => '4G', :type => 'raw'
      domain.boot 'hd'
      domain.boot 'cdrom'

  config.vm.define "worker-node-1" do |vm|
    vm.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain|
      domain.cpus = 1
      domain.memory = 1024
      domain.serial :type => "file", :source => {:path => "/tmp/worker-node-1.log"} :file, :device => :cdrom, :path => "/tmp/metal-amd64.iso" :file, :size => '4G', :type => 'raw'
      domain.boot 'hd'
      domain.boot 'cdrom'

Bring up the nodes

Check the status of vagrant VMs:

vagrant status

You should see the VMs in “not created” state:

Current machine states:

control-plane-node-1      not created (libvirt)
control-plane-node-2      not created (libvirt)
control-plane-node-3      not created (libvirt)
worker-node-1             not created (libvirt)

Bring up the vagrant environment:

vagrant up --provider=libvirt

Check the status again:

vagrant status

Now you should see the VMs in “running” state:

Current machine states:

control-plane-node-1      running (libvirt)
control-plane-node-2      running (libvirt)
control-plane-node-3      running (libvirt)
worker-node-1             running (libvirt)

Find out the IP addresses assigned by the libvirt DHCP by running:

virsh list | grep vagrant | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -L1 virsh domifaddr

Output will look like the following:

virsh domifaddr vagrant_control-plane-node-2
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet0      52:54:00:f9:10:e5    ipv4

virsh domifaddr vagrant_control-plane-node-1
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet1      52:54:00:0f:ae:59    ipv4

virsh domifaddr vagrant_worker-node-1
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet2      52:54:00:6f:28:95    ipv4

virsh domifaddr vagrant_control-plane-node-3
 Name       MAC address          Protocol     Address
 vnet3      52:54:00:03:45:10    ipv4

Our control plane nodes have the IPs:,, and the worker node has the IP

Now you should be able to interact with Talos nodes that are in maintenance mode:

talosctl -n get disks --insecure

Sample output:

DEV        MODEL   SERIAL   TYPE   UUID   WWID   MODALIAS                    NAME   SIZE     BUS_PATH
/dev/vda   -       -        HDD    -      -      virtio:d00000002v00001AF4   -      8.6 GB   /pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/virtio0/

Installing Talos

Pick an endpoint IP in the vagrant-libvirt subnet but not used by any nodes, for example

Generate a machine configuration:

talosctl gen config my-cluster --install-disk /dev/vda

Edit controlplane.yaml to add the virtual IP you picked to a network interface under, for example:

      - deviceSelector:
          physical: true # should select any hardware network device, if you have just one, it will be selected
        dhcp: true

Apply the configuration to the initial control plane node:

talosctl -n apply-config --insecure --file controlplane.yaml

You can tail the logs of the node:

sudo tail -f /tmp/control-plane-node-1.log

Set up your shell to use the generated talosconfig and configure its endpoints (use the IPs of the control plane nodes):

export TALOSCONFIG=$(realpath ./talosconfig)
talosctl config endpoint

Bootstrap the Kubernetes cluster from the initial control plane node:

talosctl -n bootstrap

Finally, apply the machine configurations to the remaining nodes:

talosctl -n apply-config --insecure --file controlplane.yaml
talosctl -n apply-config --insecure --file controlplane.yaml
talosctl -n apply-config --insecure --file worker.yaml

After a while, you should see that all the members have joined:

talosctl -n get members

The output will be like the following:

NODE              NAMESPACE   TYPE     ID                      VERSION   HOSTNAME                MACHINE TYPE   OS               ADDRESSES   cluster     Member   talos-192-168-121-119   1         talos-192-168-121-119   controlplane   Talos (v1.1.0)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-192-168-121-69    1         talos-192-168-121-69    worker         Talos (v1.1.0)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-192-168-121-203   6         talos-192-168-121-203   controlplane   Talos (v1.1.0)   ["",""]   cluster     Member   talos-192-168-121-125   1         talos-192-168-121-125   controlplane   Talos (v1.1.0)   [""]

Interacting with Kubernetes cluster

Retrieve the kubeconfig from the cluster:

talosctl -n kubeconfig ./kubeconfig

List the nodes in the cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig get node -owide

You will see an output similar to:

talos-192-168-121-203   Ready    control-plane,master   3m10s   v1.24.2   <none>        Talos (v1.1.0)   5.15.48-talos    containerd://1.6.6
talos-192-168-121-69    Ready    <none>                 2m25s   v1.24.2    <none>        Talos (v1.1.0)   5.15.48-talos    containerd://1.6.6
talos-192-168-121-119   Ready    control-plane,master   8m46s   v1.24.2   <none>        Talos (v1.1.0)   5.15.48-talos    containerd://1.6.6
talos-192-168-121-125   Ready    control-plane,master   3m11s   v1.24.2   <none>        Talos (v1.1.0)   5.15.48-talos    containerd://1.6.6

Congratulations, you have a highly-available Talos cluster running!


You can destroy the vagrant environment by running:

vagrant destroy -f

And remove the ISO image you downloaded:

sudo rm -f /tmp/metal-amd64.iso

6 - VMware

Creating Talos Kubernetes cluster using VMware.

Creating a Cluster via the govc CLI

In this guide we will create an HA Kubernetes cluster with 2 worker nodes. We will use the govc cli which can be downloaded here.


This guide will use the virtual IP (“VIP”) functionality that is built into Talos in order to provide a stable, known IP for the Kubernetes control plane. This simply means the user should pick an IP on their “VM Network” to designate for this purpose and keep it handy for future steps.

The Talos OVA image uses the vmx-15 hardware version, this requires a minimum of ESXi 6.7U2. To check your version of ESXi refer to the following Broadcom KB article.

More information regarding virtual machine hardware versions can be found in the following Broadcom KB article.

Create the Machine Configuration Files

Generating Base Configurations

Using the VIP chosen in the prereq steps, we will now generate the base configuration files for the Talos machines. This can be done with the talosctl gen config ... command. Take note that we will also use a JSON6902 patch when creating the configs so that the control plane nodes get some special information about the VIP we chose earlier, as well as a daemonset to install vmware tools on talos nodes.

First, download cp.patch.yaml to your local machine and edit the VIP to match your chosen IP. You can do this by issuing: curl -fsSLO It’s contents should look like the following:

- op: add
  path: /machine/network
      - interface: eth0
        dhcp: true
          ip: <VIP>

With the patch in hand, generate machine configs with:

$ talosctl gen config vmware-test https://<VIP>:<port> --config-patch-control-plane @cp.patch.yaml
created controlplane.yaml
created worker.yaml
created talosconfig

At this point, you can modify the generated configs to your liking if needed. Optionally, you can specify additional patches by adding to the cp.patch.yaml file downloaded earlier, or create your own patch files.

Validate the Configuration Files

$ talosctl validate --config controlplane.yaml --mode cloud
controlplane.yaml is valid for cloud mode
$ talosctl validate --config worker.yaml --mode cloud
worker.yaml is valid for cloud mode

Note: Using VMXNET network interfaces in VMware will cause the default Flannel CNI backend (vxlan) to not work between nodes. To avoid this problem it is recommended to use Intel e1000 network interfaces or apply the patch below to use the host gateway backend.

If you apply the patch you can save this to a separate file (e.g. cni-patch.yaml) and apply it via talosctl.

        - --flannel-backend=host-gw

Set Environment Variables

govc makes use of the following environment variables

export GOVC_URL=<vCenter url>
export GOVC_USERNAME=<vCenter username>
export GOVC_PASSWORD=<vCenter password>

Note: If your vCenter installation makes use of self signed certificates, you’ll want to export GOVC_INSECURE=true.

There are some additional variables that you may need to set:

export GOVC_DATACENTER=<vCenter datacenter>
export GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL=<vCenter resource pool>
export GOVC_DATASTORE=<vCenter datastore>
export GOVC_NETWORK=<vCenter network>

Choose Install Approach

As part of this guide, we have a more automated install script that handles some of the complexity of importing OVAs and creating VMs. If you wish to use this script, we will detail that next. If you wish to carry out the manual approach, simply skip ahead to the “Manual Approach” section.

Scripted Install

Download the script to your local machine. You can do this by issuing curl -fsSL "" | sed s/latest/v1.9.2/ > This script has default variables for things like Talos version and cluster name that may be interesting to tweak before deploying.

The script downloads VMWare OVA with talos-vmtoolsd from Image Factory extension pre-installed.

Import OVA

To create a content library and import the Talos OVA corresponding to the mentioned Talos version, simply issue:

./ upload_ova

Create Cluster

With the OVA uploaded to the content library, you can create a 5 node (by default) cluster with 3 control plane and 2 worker nodes:

./ create

This step will create a VM from the OVA, edit the settings based on the env variables used for VM size/specs, then power on the VMs.

You may now skip past the “Manual Approach” section down to “Bootstrap Cluster”.

Manual Approach

Import the OVA into vCenter

A talos.ova asset is available from Image Factory. We will refer to the version of the release as $TALOS_VERSION below. It can be easily exported with export TALOS_VERSION="v0.3.0-alpha.10" or similar.

The download link already includes the talos-vmtoolsd extension.

curl -LO${TALOS_VERSION}/vmware-amd64.ova

Create a content library (if needed) with:

govc library.create <library name>

Import the OVA to the library with:

govc library.import -n talos-${TALOS_VERSION} <library name> /path/to/downloaded/talos.ova

Create the Bootstrap Node

We’ll clone the OVA to create the bootstrap node (our first control plane node).

govc library.deploy <library name>/talos-${TALOS_VERSION} control-plane-1

Talos makes use of the guestinfo facility of VMware to provide the machine/cluster configuration. This can be set using the govc vm.change command. To facilitate persistent storage using the vSphere cloud provider integration with Kubernetes, disk.enableUUID=1 is used.

govc vm.change \
  -e "guestinfo.talos.config=$(cat controlplane.yaml | base64)" \
  -e "disk.enableUUID=1" \
  -vm control-plane-1

Update Hardware Resources for the Bootstrap Node

  • -c is used to configure the number of cpus
  • -m is used to configure the amount of memory (in MB)
govc vm.change \
  -c 2 \
  -m 4096 \
  -vm control-plane-1

The following can be used to adjust the EPHEMERAL disk size.

govc vm.disk.change -vm control-plane-1 disk-1000-0 -size 10G
govc vm.power -on control-plane-1

Create the Remaining Control Plane Nodes

govc library.deploy <library name>/talos-${TALOS_VERSION} control-plane-2
govc vm.change \
  -e "guestinfo.talos.config=$(base64 controlplane.yaml)" \
  -e "disk.enableUUID=1" \
  -vm control-plane-2

govc library.deploy <library name>/talos-${TALOS_VERSION} control-plane-3
govc vm.change \
  -e "guestinfo.talos.config=$(base64 controlplane.yaml)" \
  -e "disk.enableUUID=1" \
  -vm control-plane-3
govc vm.change \
  -c 2 \
  -m 4096 \
  -vm control-plane-2

govc vm.change \
  -c 2 \
  -m 4096 \
  -vm control-plane-3
govc vm.disk.change -vm control-plane-2 disk-1000-0 -size 10G

govc vm.disk.change -vm control-plane-3 disk-1000-0 -size 10G
govc vm.power -on control-plane-2

govc vm.power -on control-plane-3

Update Settings for the Worker Nodes

govc library.deploy <library name>/talos-${TALOS_VERSION} worker-1
govc vm.change \
  -e "guestinfo.talos.config=$(base64 worker.yaml)" \
  -e "disk.enableUUID=1" \
  -vm worker-1

govc library.deploy <library name>/talos-${TALOS_VERSION} worker-2
govc vm.change \
  -e "guestinfo.talos.config=$(base64 worker.yaml)" \
  -e "disk.enableUUID=1" \
  -vm worker-2
govc vm.change \
  -c 4 \
  -m 8192 \
  -vm worker-1

govc vm.change \
  -c 4 \
  -m 8192 \
  -vm worker-2
govc vm.disk.change -vm worker-1 disk-1000-0 -size 10G

govc vm.disk.change -vm worker-2 disk-1000-0 -size 10G
govc vm.power -on worker-1

govc vm.power -on worker-2

Bootstrap Cluster

In the vSphere UI, open a console to one of the control plane nodes. You should see some output stating that etcd should be bootstrapped. This text should look like:

"etcd is waiting to join the cluster, if this node is the first node in the cluster, please run `talosctl bootstrap` against one of the following IPs:

Take note of the IP mentioned here and issue:

talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig bootstrap -e <control plane IP> -n <control plane IP>

Keep this IP handy for the following steps as well.

Retrieve the kubeconfig

At this point we can retrieve the admin kubeconfig by running:

talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig config endpoint <control plane IP>
talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig config node <control plane IP>
talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig kubeconfig .

Configure talos-vmtoolsd

The talos-vmtoolsd application was deployed as a daemonset as part of the cluster creation; however, we must now provide a talos credentials file for it to use.

Create a new talosconfig with:

talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig -n <control plane IP> config new vmtoolsd-secret.yaml --roles os:admin

Create a secret from the talosconfig:

kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic talos-vmtoolsd-config \

Clean up the generated file from local system:

rm vmtoolsd-secret.yaml

Once configured, you should now see these daemonset pods go into “Running” state and in vCenter, you will now see IPs and info from the Talos nodes present in the UI.

7 - Xen

Talos is known to work on Xen. We don’t yet have a documented guide specific to Xen; however, you can follow the General Getting Started Guide. If you run into any issues, our community can probably help!