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Package runtime provides runtime machine configuration documents.

1 - EventSinkConfig

EventSinkConfig is a event sink config document.
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: EventSinkConfig
endpoint: # The endpoint for the event sink as 'host:port'.
endpointstringThe endpoint for the event sink as ‘host:port’.
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2 - KmsgLogConfig

KmsgLogConfig is a event sink config document.
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: KmsgLogConfig
name: remote-log # Name of the config document.
url: tcp:// # The URL encodes the log destination.
namestringName of the config document.
The URL encodes the log destination.The scheme must be tcp:// or udp://.
The path must be empty.
The port is required.
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url: udp://

3 - WatchdogTimerConfig

WatchdogTimerConfig is a watchdog timer config document.
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: WatchdogTimerConfig
device: /dev/watchdog0 # Path to the watchdog device.
timeout: 2m0s # Timeout for the watchdog.
devicestringPath to the watchdog device.
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device: /dev/watchdog0
Timeout for the watchdog.
If Talos is unresponsive for this duration, the watchdog will reset the system.

Default value is 1 minute, minimum value is 10 seconds.